Parker Arts Lecture: Rueter-Hess Reservoir Archaeological Project
April 2 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
FreeParker Arts Lecture: Rueter-Hess Reservoir Archaeological Project
Speaker: Gordy C. Tucker, Jr., PhD, Retired Archaeologist and Brittany Cassell, Curator Douglas County Government
Environmental studies and archaeological investigations were conducted to identify and mitigate adverse effects caused by construction of the Frank Jaeger Dam and Rueter-Hess Reservoir in Douglas County. During the archaeological investigations dozens of sites were recorded and several sites were excavated in the affected area identifying 7000+ years of human occupation along Newlin Gulch, defined a Regional Sphere of Precontact Interaction (300-mile radius). Join Dr. Gordy Tucker as he describes the accomplishments of the Reuter-Hess Reservoir Archaeological Project and how it expanded our knowledge of the indigenous peoples who lived in Douglas County for millennia. County Curator Brittany Cassell will provide an overview of how research and analysis is completed for a collection, where artifacts go after excavation, and how other artifacts are acquired and cared for in the Douglas County History Repository.